Sizzle reels are the backbone for a producer’s pitch packaging materials, and can be the best way to convey your vision. A visual pitch can effectively speak to potential investors and ultimately get them on board.
Just what do sizzle reels do?
Sizzle reels are the most effective tool when it comes to pitching your project. Sizzle reels are dynamic and provide as much information needed to get investors interested. It is important to have quality content, so if you choose to shoot something you shouldn’t skimp on the production. Poor quality production will result in a poor quality sizzle.
Just how much is this going to cost me?
If you’re one of those people thinking “just how much is this going to cost me,” worry not, there are plenty of ways to create a sizzle reel without breaking the bank. You can create a sizzle reel with stock photos, video clips from YouTube, music, and other materials that are readily available online. While choosing content keep in mind that a sizzle reel will never go commercial so you can use copyrighted material to convey your ideas. In the end all you have to pay for is the stock footage and music.
What do I need to make a great sizzle reel?
What you truly need to create a great sizzle reel comes is a professional editor. A good editor will be able to craft an amazing sizzle reel from practically nothing. An even better editor will be able to coach you on what’s needed to create a sizzle reel that speaks for your project. An editor will be able to craft a creative and dynamic pitch that entices an investor. It’s also important to hear an editor’s opinion, they know what works when it comes to catching an audience’s attention.
Lastly remember to know your project. And we mean, really know it. Scripted television may require a fine-tuned script before first and foremost, while a reality television show will most definitely benefit from a great sizzle reel. Sizzle reels are good for conveying ideas that are visually driven, but you’ll need much more than a good idea if you plan on pitching a fully executed idea. It all depends on what you as a producer will need in order to sell your idea to potential investors.
Where do I start?
Start with clarifying your idea, get it down on paper before going further. You need to think your project out before you do anything else. Write down similar projects and have some close friends share their ideas about your project with you. Confusing ideas are never good ideas so make sure you think everything through before approaching an investor. Once you have a clear and concise idea for a project you’re on the right track.
Once you have a fully formed idea start working on the commercial value of your project. Research anything and everything that has to do with your idea, make sure you understand what you are talking about, investors know when you don’t. Think of how investors can get their money back from investing, this will be a huge selling point for you. Show them similar projects that have seen results, or tell them how your idea is different from those that didn’t. Share notable names that are involved or hoping to be involved with the project, investors will want to hear all of this by the end of your pitch. You’ll want to make sure your pitch sounds complete so include as much necessary information as possible.
Now you’re ready to put together your sizzle reel, approach an editor about your project. and get an estimate for the work. Prior to meeting with an editor put together some samples of images and clips you want to see included in your sizzle reel, this will help convey your ideas to the editor without causing miscommunication. If you do half the work for your editor, you’ll be able to set them up with some of the tools they need to make your dream sizzle reel.
In the end you should have a pitch package that will get investors interested. Remember to be optimistic and get excited about the potential of the project; chances are if you are the investor will be as well. Your sizzle reel will be what sets you apart!
Just what do sizzle reels do?
- Conveys your vision utilizing visual elements that might otherwise be misunderstood by words alone.
- Shows your project is one worth investing in, and demonstrates your ability to get results if they do invest.
- Identifies to the investor that you have a clear plan and structure as to how to actualize your idea.
Sizzle reels are the most effective tool when it comes to pitching your project. Sizzle reels are dynamic and provide as much information needed to get investors interested. It is important to have quality content, so if you choose to shoot something you shouldn’t skimp on the production. Poor quality production will result in a poor quality sizzle.
Just how much is this going to cost me?
If you’re one of those people thinking “just how much is this going to cost me,” worry not, there are plenty of ways to create a sizzle reel without breaking the bank. You can create a sizzle reel with stock photos, video clips from YouTube, music, and other materials that are readily available online. While choosing content keep in mind that a sizzle reel will never go commercial so you can use copyrighted material to convey your ideas. In the end all you have to pay for is the stock footage and music.
What do I need to make a great sizzle reel?
What you truly need to create a great sizzle reel comes is a professional editor. A good editor will be able to craft an amazing sizzle reel from practically nothing. An even better editor will be able to coach you on what’s needed to create a sizzle reel that speaks for your project. An editor will be able to craft a creative and dynamic pitch that entices an investor. It’s also important to hear an editor’s opinion, they know what works when it comes to catching an audience’s attention.
Lastly remember to know your project. And we mean, really know it. Scripted television may require a fine-tuned script before first and foremost, while a reality television show will most definitely benefit from a great sizzle reel. Sizzle reels are good for conveying ideas that are visually driven, but you’ll need much more than a good idea if you plan on pitching a fully executed idea. It all depends on what you as a producer will need in order to sell your idea to potential investors.
Where do I start?
Start with clarifying your idea, get it down on paper before going further. You need to think your project out before you do anything else. Write down similar projects and have some close friends share their ideas about your project with you. Confusing ideas are never good ideas so make sure you think everything through before approaching an investor. Once you have a clear and concise idea for a project you’re on the right track.
Once you have a fully formed idea start working on the commercial value of your project. Research anything and everything that has to do with your idea, make sure you understand what you are talking about, investors know when you don’t. Think of how investors can get their money back from investing, this will be a huge selling point for you. Show them similar projects that have seen results, or tell them how your idea is different from those that didn’t. Share notable names that are involved or hoping to be involved with the project, investors will want to hear all of this by the end of your pitch. You’ll want to make sure your pitch sounds complete so include as much necessary information as possible.
Now you’re ready to put together your sizzle reel, approach an editor about your project. and get an estimate for the work. Prior to meeting with an editor put together some samples of images and clips you want to see included in your sizzle reel, this will help convey your ideas to the editor without causing miscommunication. If you do half the work for your editor, you’ll be able to set them up with some of the tools they need to make your dream sizzle reel.
In the end you should have a pitch package that will get investors interested. Remember to be optimistic and get excited about the potential of the project; chances are if you are the investor will be as well. Your sizzle reel will be what sets you apart!